Fitting All The Pieces Together

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                Fitting all the pieces together is a great title for this particular assignment. At the beginning of this class, I indentified  my learning style to really match that of constructivism. While my opinion has not changed much, I must admit that I think I incorporate a little of each learning style into the way that I process information. I must also admit that I think connectivism is running a close second to my overall pick. I believe I maximize my learning by incorporating the two together. I will not go through all of Siemens principles of connectivism, however, while I can apply all his principles, I will list a few that I believe really relate to my learning.

·         "Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known" I like to believe that I know a little bit about everything. However, I have a drive to always want to know/learn more and more information. The more well versed I am in my profession/content, the more my students benefit from my dedication. Seeking the most up to date instructional strategies, i.e.  game based learning. To keeping it basic simply knowing how to incorporate the knowledge from this course into instruction.

·         " Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions."- This course itself is an example of this statement. While we had to use course resources to back our opinions, it is our opinions/examples/experiences that as a class we were able to relate with and learn things that we would have otherwise not have learned from just the course readings.

·         "Decision-making is itself a learning process. Choosing what to learn and the meaning of incoming information is seen through the lens of a shifting reality. While there is a right answer now, it may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations in the information climate affecting the decision."- This is the very thing that I teach my students on a daily basis. You may make your decision now, however be ready to reevaluate when new information is added to the equation.  Because I am a history teacher this really applies to the very content that I teach. Things are constantly changing in history.

                Being an adult learner can times be difficult. There are multiple things that can hinder/affect my ability to learn. No! I really should say affect my ability to maximize my learning. In reading through one particular resource during week five, Cercone (2008) reminds us that adult learners have the cumbersome task of managing multiple careers, fewer stable structures to rely on, living longer, and aging parents while in school. (p. 129) Personally, I found that these tasks can become arduous when trying to find the right balance as well as, being successful as a husband, father, professional, and student. I know that I need positive reinforcement while juggling all of these things. The behaviorism theory really caters to me in this instance. I do not look for the opportunity to be recognized nor do I get upset when I am not from my colleagues or supervisors. I do however, like to be told I am doing a good job from my wife. Standridge describes positive reinforcement "is presentation of a stimulus that increases the probability of a response" (Standridge, 2001). Simply put, it keeps me motivated.


                Technology helps me immensely with my own learning. When looking at my personal learning network, I am reminded of the many different technologies that I incorporate in my day to day operations professionally, and personally. The sheer accessibility to information when I need it, wherever I need it is phenomena on its own merit. I plan to continue to use and incorporate the latest technologies in my obtainment of information as well as in instructional methods to present information to my students.


Cercone, K. (2006). Characteristics of adult learners with implications for online learning design, AACE    Journal 16(2), 127-159.

Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. Retrieved from

Standridge, M. (2001). Behaviorism. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from

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