Collaboration in The Online Environment
by Brandon T. 2
Discussion Rubric
by Brandon T. 2
by Brandon T. 0
by Brandon T. 3
by Brandon T. 2
Being a secondary high school teacher, I have been involved in several different curriculum writing projects for the county's social studies department. It appears as though many of my classmates have had authentic experiences with the ID process and the use of the ADDIE Model. Though I haven't had the experience of using the ADDIE model, I do believe, however, that I can provide everyone with a clear sense of my role in the curriculum writing process.
by Brandon T. 1
Hello Class,
This is my blog for Walden. I have many posts from different classes. Please feel free to scroll through and read. If you would like to comment you can click on the title of the post. It will direct to the comment box. You can also click on the located directly across from the title of the blog. It represents the number of comments made on a particular post. Enjoy!!!!!!!!
by Brandon T. 1
by Brandon T. 0
Technology has a huge impact on today's global learner. As a secondary educator, I am teaching a technologically rich generation. Toddlers know how to Skype, use I Pads, facebook, and touch screen leap frogs. Technology can keep the learner engage throughout an entire lesson. I teach high school social studies and teacher academy classes at my current teaching assignment. The technology that I chose to talk about is "Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. Our goal is to help educators harness the power of social media to customize the classroom for each and every learner" (, 2012). Through edmodo my students can collaborate with each other by hosting their own discussions about topics in class. They can form their own study groups. Create documents. notes, power points etc... and store in their backpack which allows them to access their documents from anywhere.
by Brandon T. 0
Creating an online experience for the very first time can be a very an intimidating task. I believe that the intimidation can be controlled by the ID or facilitator. I know when I had to create an online learning environment for another Walden class; I made sure that I understood the CMS that I chose to use. I didn’t try to incorporate all of the features that CMS had available. I stuck to the basics. Secondly I set up clear expectations for my students and provided examples of each expectation when it was available. When the students see this they will have a better understanding of the type of work that you want to have submitted. You want to start the course on the right foot by making your students feel as though the learning environment is safe, nurturing, and comfortable.
There are a host of Classroom Management Systems available for the ID or Facilitator to use. Additionally the ID or Instructor should chose a CMS based on the need of the class. It is important to understand the types of technology available in the CMS. Some of the basic functions that an ID or Instructor should know how to use of a CMS are:
by Brandon T. 0
Dr. Palloff defines a learning community as one in which students and faculty explore content together to construct meaning and knowledge about that content. The online learning environment can impact student learning and satisfaction based on the definition by Dr. Palloff. In adult learning theories we learn that constructivism states that the “most significant learning occurs when students have the opportunity to “study a topic from multiple perspectives’. (Ormrod, Schunk, & Gredler, 2008, p 185).
In creating an online environment certain elements must be present. Naturally the CMS will ensure that the majority of the elements are present. However, there are also elements that the facilitator must possess and implement in the course. In designing the course itself, there should be learning activities that promote and foster learning. Pratt and Palloff recommend that, students should be interacting with the content and classmates. This will maximize learners’ acquisition of knowledge and provide opportunities for students to master and apply content in a nurturing environment.
Several different things come to mind when considering how to maintain an effective learning community. It begins with the instructor of the course. The instructor should be comfortable with the technology that is needed to run the class, as well as, having a comforting presence in the online learning community. Building rapport with the students early in the class by responding to post and making personal connections will attribute to student success in the course. Dr. Palloff suggests using humor and personalizing naming conventions to make the course feel warm and inviting. (Laureate Education Inc., n.d.).
We are reminded by Boettcher and Conrad (2010), that online learning has three elements: the learner, the mentor or faculty member, and the knowledge/content. The combinations of these elements can be a driving force that fosters learning or hinders the learning experience. I have learned that the online learning environment is much like a community learning environment. We each give and take away an experience that helps one another synthesize content.
Boettcher, J. A., & Conrad, R. (2010). The online teaching survival guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Laureate Education, Inc. (n.d.). [Video]. “Online Learning Communities”. Retrieved from
Ormrod, J.E.; Schunk, D. H., & Gredler, M. (2008). Learning theories and instruction. New York: Laureate Education, Inc.
by Brandon T. 0
Hello everyone. I have take quiet a few courses here at Walden. I will continue to use this blog to post all of my assignments. Welcome, I hope you enjoy.